Wednesday, January 31, 2007

Random Thoughts on 1/31/07

  • Brady Quinn in the Raider Nation could be a new reality show on FOX.
  • I'd love to see Matt Millen replace Brian Cashman with the Yankees. I can't imagine a sports marriage I would more thoroughly enjoy. The best part would be Mattie still trying to draft Calvin Johnson.
  • Scratch that last statement. I did think of a sports marriage that would bring me much more euphoria then Millen and the Yanks. What if we had a sports celebrity All-Star show with T.O, A.I., Ron Artest and Barry Bonds on the same team. Oh, the amusement that would provide.
  • The government should take away Bode Miller's driving license.
  • After cops found three rifles, three handguns, ammunition and more in Tank Johnson's house, he said on Monday that he isn't a violent person. Wow. The cajones on this guy. He's almost as good as Bill Clinton.
  • The commisioner's office rejected Barry Bonds' new contract with the Giants due to tricky language. Hopefully rejection doesn't become a theme of Bonds' life. Eventually he'll have to face the Hall voters. And then he will probably need a heart transplant or ten with all the pills he's popped.
  • It appears as if the Nuggets had a plan all along on how to deal with the two superstars. When Carmelo got suspended, they traded for A.I. Carmelo came back not long ago and now A.I. sprained his ankle. Watch out Carmelo, it's your turn next.
  • Shaq might as well commit full time to law enforcement. He no longer strikes fear into any of his opponents. But he still obviously strikes fear into the public. How else does one explain him getting into the All-Star game after only suiting up six times this year.

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