Tuesday, February 13, 2007

Random Thoughts on 2/13/07

  • The Celtics skid has hit an epic low of 18 games. So this much I know, if Doc Rivers retains his job after this season, they were tanking to get Durant or Oden. Really, there is not other excuse for a team playing this horrific. Especially in the Atlantic. Yeah, the conference with one team barely above .500. They should hire Marty Schottenheimer, he's known to be good at turnarounds.
  • Cubs ace Carlos Zambrano says he'll walk after this season if he doesn't get an extension now. I don't blame Zambrano. Not at all. With the price of pitchers at a premium, he deserves to make near what Zito makes. And he's worried about injury security to. With Mark Prior and Kerry Wood around, one can never know when they'll contract the insanely-ridiculous injury bug from them.
  • Duke. No star power. Four straight loses. Dropped out of every poll. Faces #21 Boston College at Boston College Wednesday night. Could very well lose five straight. Actually, they might not win another game. The only gimme they have left is St. Johns. Well, it was supposed to be a gimme. Right now, not even the previously all-defeated Iona is a gimme.
  • But cheer up Dukies. North Carolina lost both games to VaTech this season. However, they're still in the top 25. Sorry.
  • 2 to 1 - The Bengals trade for Randy Moss and Ricky Williams to improve their rep. The Pacers buy NFL Sunday Ticket from their jail cells.
  • Whoever accused Ron Zook of wrong-doing [cough-Notre Dame-cough] should be sanctioned. Accusations without warrant bring negative press to the sport, the recruiting process and the NCAA. Zook is a masterful recruiter that hasn't violated any rules. Just because Zook can out-text Weis doesn't mean Notre Dame has to get all jealous about it.
  • Joe Cullen, an assistant coach for the Detroit Lions, was cited twice within a week last season. The first for driving nude through suburbs, the second for drunken driving with a BAC of .12. AND HE IS STILL ON THE LIONS STAFF. If we didn't have enough evidence that Matt Millen and the rest of the Lion's powers-that-be are certifiable cracks, this is it.
  • Flyers star Peter Forsberg says he has no problem remaining in Philly. I just think he's confused. With all the hype about Greg Oden coming to Philly, he got excited and thought he was getting a new teammate. I can't blame him. When your playing for a team as bad as the Flyers, delusion is a convenient escape.

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